Thursday, June 11, 2009

Split Personality?

Hello friends! Today I had quite the terrible round of disc golf. I can't say that going into it was so bad, I was excited to work on that anhyzer that Dion was helping me with to improve my drive.

When I got to the course, I was excited to see that there weren't very many people around. I got to throw a few drives on 1 and 2, but by then there was already some guys right behind me. I let them play through, and threw more drives on 4, only to realize there were some guys behind me again, except these guys were newbies with regular frizbees. I don't know what it is about people who play disc golf who really don't know what they're doing, but some how they always seem to play faster than me and not get the hint when I'm trying to let them play through.

Once I realized these guys weren't going to get the hint, I just decided I'd forget throwing tons of drives and just try to play real fast and get ahead of these guys. For some reason, I was super annoyed by these particular frisbee throwers, and I began playing absolutely awful.

Something that I have learned in my studies of Exercise Science (now finished with that degree, woohoo!) is that when you learn something new, you usually have a shift of getting worse and then all of a sudden you get better than you were originally. I find it interesting that I get the opportunity to taste that awesomeness with those first few throws, and then when I try them on my own... look out! The other annoying thing about learning something new is that it seems to tweak everything else that is related to that skill. All of my other throws are not doing well at all, and it's not like I can just go back to how I was throwing before.

With all of that going on in my round, (not to mention only one par!!!) I was not so happy. I hate the mood I get in too, it's horrible! The funny thing is, I had to confront those frisbee players behind me, who were indeed, very nice. Made some jokes about playing catch and they of course were in wonder about my huge disc golf bag I carry around. Then I finished 18, and saw that there was a girl putting on the practice basket. I of course have to go over to her and give her a flyer to promote Women's Weekends at Willamette, so I forget my round and put on a happy face. It was pretty exciting, because she actually had heard of WW@W, and had a flyer before, so maybe she'll actually come to one and there will be new girls playing Willamette on Saturdays.

Moral of the story: No matter how frustrated you are, make sure you can keep it to yourself, or be able to fake a good attitude to everyone else around you!

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