Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Happiest Moment

On Tuesday this week, I was sitting in the Memorial Union (MU) cafeteria, doing some sketches for my fashion illustration class. As I was sitting there, a young lady came up to my table and asked me with her broken English if she could ask me a few questions for one of her classes. I of course agreed, I have a two hour break anyways. She asked me some general questions about me as a person and what I do, this assignment was to help her with her English, as she is from Saudi Arabia.

It was a very pleasant experience, this young lady had a beautiful smile and just a great attitude. One of the questions she asked me was, "What was the happiest moment of your life?" I had to think about that a little bit, even now I have no idea how to answer that. I ended up telling her getting my brown belt, because I figured it would be easier for her to spell.

Even after she left I am still pondering this question. What has been the happiest moment of my life? Has any experience been so much greater than all of the others? I think about all of the things that are important in my life, like my family and friends. My family has always been there for me (and I am very lucky for that), so I can't really identify one particular moment with them that made me happier than any other moment. Friends come and go, some stick around a lot longer than others. I think that the friends that I have now, are truly great people to be friends with and I think that I will remain friends with these people for the rest of my life. But then again, I don't identify any one of these friends as my "best" friend, so again, it is impossible for me to say that any moment with any of these people have been the happiest moment in all my life.

So that makes me think, maybe I haven't had the happiest moment in my life? Will it be when I meet the man of my dreams? Will it be when I get married? When I have children? When I start a company of my own? I'm not sure I will ever be able to say what the happiest moment of my life is. My life is so full of many, many happy moments it makes it difficult for any one to stand out to me. I think that this probably has to do with my attitude on many things in my life.

Some people might think of me as a person with no opinions, just kind of "go-with-the-flow" type of attitude. It is kind of true, but maybe not in the way they think. I think, that because I find I like so many things, whether it be music, movies or people, that it makes it impossible for me to chose my favorite. I am ok with this, because this means that I will continue to life a life with many happy moments and good things, and not have to be focused on one single "Happiest moment of my life."

That being said, I am curious to know what my friend's happiest moments are. What are they?

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