Sunday, February 24, 2013

If I could pick a romantic movie....

Since February is the month that contains the controversial holiday of Valentine's Day, the topic of romance inevitably comes up. Plenty of people hate Valentine's Day (mostly singles) and there is the group that love it (typically couples), and all the rest of us who fall somewhere in-between. I've been single for a lot more Valentine's Days than not single, so knowing the best romantic movie to watch is essential.

I actually don't watch romantic movies on Valentine's Day and dream about a love I don't have. Usually, I just try to find other people who want to do something fun. Last year, my roommates and I hosted a "Singles Awareness Day Party." We played games and had a great time! This year, my sisters and I went and saw the Zombie movie "Warm Bodies." I enjoyed it! I was thoroughly entertained by the preview for it, so I figured I would like the movie. What girl doesn't want to go watch a zombie movie on V-Day?

When it comes to romantic movies I am extremely picky. I get tired of unrealistic characters in unrealistic relationships. I know most people think that my ideas of love and relationships are unattainable in real life, so my idea of romance is unrealistic. I won't get into that now, I don't know who wants to hear me rant about my idea of love. The movies listed below are my favorite romantic movies because they do a beautiful job in illustrating two people falling in love. I think the phase of a relationship is one of the most romantic parts of a relationship.

My sisters and I were discussing our favorite romantic movies (we have similar tastes) and this is the list we came up with (in no particular order). Not even a top ten!

*I like this version of Pride and Prejudice, I have never read the book or seen other versions. I apologize if I am unaware of another, better version. Feel free to educate me :)

We thought that the Princess Bride deserves an Honorable Mention, but it doesn't really fit in the category very well.

What do you think of these movies? Any movies you would add?

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