Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thoughts & Thanksgiving

It is coming to the end of November and I've only one post for this month. That is not to say that I have done nothing worth writing about this month, it's actually the opposite. I've been busy with so many things that I either haven't had time to write about it, or I have too many cool things to write about that I don't know where to start.

Right now I am in an interesting sort of mood. I only had one class today, which is great, because now I'm done, but because I want to get another project done before Thanksgiving break, I have to stick around in Corvallis until 4. Usually that's not such a problem either, but most of my friends work... which means however I'm going to spend my time today, it will probably be alone.

Being alone is an interesting thing. I really don't like being alone. I can handle it, but I prefer to be interacting with people instead. Not just any people of course, but friends, people that I care to spend my time with.

Anyway (let me stop sounding so depressing), I have definitely had some exciting things come my way. One thing is, I am very excited about the future. I'm finally make some real plans to do a little traveling, as well what my options are for finishing up school (or not finishing, as the case may be). I also recently got a new backpack for attending a Columbia Sportswear Focus Group session. It was a great thing to experience, and they gave all the participants an OSU Columbia Backpack! I'm pretty happy about that, because I was in desperate need for a quality backpack. I am also very excited about the things that I am learning in karate. We get to play with knives and guns, and do some pretty sweet, but complicated moves. It's also great being known as a brown belt, it makes me feel like I really am one of the Advanced students and I actually know something about the martial arts.

It appears that this blog has turned into a little update of the happenings of my life, as well as a way for me to prep for what Thanksgiving is all about. I hope that all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and don't forget to cheer on the Beavers this Saturday!

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