Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Blog Ideas

I decided to give myself a day to think of the possibilities I could write about in a blog. If I do go with one of these, it will probably become it's own are some ideas:

1. Going right along with the movie Julie & Julia I could go through The Complete Home Bartender's Guide. The only problem is setting a time frame, there is no way I'm making drinks every night! Not to mention how expensive that could get.... but it would go along with me wanting to be a bartender.

2. I could write music reviews. This is probably coming mostly from my need to write a review on the new Lady Gaga cd, which will come soon. I have a huge variety of music I listen to, and I wouldn't mind an excuse to keep expanding my collection...

3. Being a fashion design major, I could write about fashion. I would probably use this blog as a tool, so I could better understand what designers are out there and what the fashion world is doing or has done. There'd probably be some room for some fashion tips too, not to mention any projects I happen to be working on.

And there you have it, my top 3 ideas for a blog project. I'm still unsure I want to tackle one of these, because I could use that time for a lot of other valuable things that I want to do. Like learning french, drawing, practicing karate for my next belt test, and the list goes on. For now, I am going to commit to write more often, everyday during break, and at least once a week after the term starts. Still, these ideas intrigue me. What do you think?

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