Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Karaoke and the Emergency Room

Man, too many things happening recently and a lack of internet connection. Doesn't make for consistent blog postings.

This story dates way back to finals week, first week of December. One of my friends from karate, Brad, went to his last karate class and was going out to celebrate moving back to Washington. I got the pleasure of joining him and his friend Bobby at Suds here in Corvallis. I had never been to Suds before, it's a pretty sweet little place, in the building of Woodstock's pizza.

Brad and Bobby started drinking some beer and got me some hard cider, catching up and talking about what lies in store ahead. After two ciders for me, (and I don't know how many each of beers they had!) we decided to head over to the Peacock. Now this was odd for me, I have never gone out on a Wednesday night, and never putting no thought into what I was dressed like.

I discovered that the Peacock is great for some karaoke on weeknights. There were some impressive folks singing too! After I had another beer, the boys convinced me to sing a song with them. (It ended up being the last song of the night, I guess it took me a while!) We sang "What's My Age Again?" by Blink 182. It was a lot of fun, and I definitely messed up the song with the lyrics right in front of me.

The Peacock closed and none of us were in any shape to drive, so we started walking towards Brad's place. Bobby thinking ahead, had some chex mix to eat on the way. By the time we got to Brad's house, we discovered that there were nuts in the mix and Brad happens to be allergic to all nuts except for peanuts.

Bobby and I were going to try to head over to my house, where I have a car and could drive somewhere to get Benadryl, but instead we called an ambulance. Brad and Bobby spent the night in the ER, one of Brad's roommates dropped me off at my house where I slept until about 6am and went and picked them up. It was an eventful night to say the least. Things I learned: Benadryl is an anti-histamine, so that means good for people having an allergic reaction, and Good Samaritan Hospital is in a weird place at the end of 9th Street. Good things to know.

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