The business of apparel is not the most sustainable, but companies continue to try and find ways to make it better. The great thing about using these buttons, is that it gives one more reason to not cut down these trees in the rain forest.
Here is what the nuts look like:
Here is some jewelry and buttons from those nuts:
The company mentioned in class that does a lot of other cool things, and uses these buttons is Winter Sun from Ecuador.
I looked around a bit on Joann's website and did not see any Tagua nut buttons. They do however sell coconut buttons and wood buttons. It seems like it's pretty easy to find these buttons on the internet, perhaps they will be included on my future collections for at least one of the many fashion shows this year!
Here are a few websites that have them:
Wood Buttons
Near Sea Naturals
Jimmy Bean's Wool
One World Button Supply (Wholesale Company)
Eco Butterfly
Last night we went to this recycled holiday bazaar up here and I thought of you and your shoe dress. If you ever do one of those upcycling outfits again and need supplies the warehouse we went would be great. There were all sorts of interesting bits and bobs for super cheap. There are also displays of upcycled art, there was a pretty sweet bottle cap hanging light. You've probably heard of these type of stores, but I thought I'd throw it out there. :)
Good to know! I'll have to check these places out! I've heard of some stores, but have yet to venture in to one.
Unfortunetley for the Recycled Fashion Show at OSU, we aren't allowed to spend any money on our project (I think the limit is $5- that would include thread and zippers and the like). However, if they sell those cool things... I could make cool things for them to sell :)
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