Friday, December 17, 2010

New Year Blog ideas....

Since I've started writing on this blog so much, it has got me to thinking about why I write. For my small audience, I have heard that some enjoy hearing about what's going on in my life because they don't get to see me all the time, and hopefully for others they get some random bits of information that they might not have otherwise heard about.

On my side of things, writing is very therapeutic. I am fairly consistent at keeping a journal, it's nice to rant to the empty pages than to a friend or family member, while remaining sane. For this blog, I have found it to be therapeutic in a different way. When I am consistently writing, I think a lot about things I might want to post a blog about. Sometimes that can be annoying, but right now I'm trying to re-wire my mind to stop thinking about some stupid guy and think about things that matter to me. I am happy to report that this blog helps with that!

So now onto my real reason for this post! One of the blog's I read now, Chic Steals, recently did a 30 day outfit challenge. At first I thought she was just posting her outfits, which is cool, but not something I would ever want to do. After reading her post summarizing the 30 Day Challenge, I learned that each day she was incorporating something DIY and pulling out stuff from the back of her closet. I was really impressed with this idea!

Now it has me thinking. I have lots of clothing and accessories that I do not wear very often, perhaps a challenge would be fun! I have a couple ideas for a challenge for the month of January, please read through the ideas and vote on which one you think I should do :)

Accessories Challenge: I have lots of hats, scarves and jewelry that I seldom wear. My idea for this one is to pick one of the above mentioned items (hat, scarf or jewelry) and be sure to incorporate a different one every day for the month of January. For hats, I have so many! And a lot of different styles, so it would not become a post featuring all my different baseball caps :)
For scarves, I also have many. I think this idea would challenge me in discovering new ways to wear scarves because I wouldn't want to go to school wearing it the same way every single day.
And then there is jewelry. This would probably be the least challenging of the accessories, but my plan would be to pick out whatever jewelry I have to wear that day and design my outfit around it. Could be interesting.

Clubwear to Everyday wear Challenge: This challenge is simply taking any of my clubwear clothing and finding a way to wear it as everyday clothing. I have this problem where I like to buy fun and flashy clothes to go out in, but then my everyday wardrobe is lacking. I think this one would be fun, and I promise I won't come to school looking like a hooker, Madonna, star trek whore, or anything else I have been accused of while out!

Alright readers! Let me know what you think I should do! Please vote on the poll to the right!!

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